Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

Another rainy day on the "Wet Coast"... yup, pretty windy, grey and wet out there today and it's so depressing looking out there.

I'm not a fan of the rain, give me sunshine anytime...any kind of sunshine whether it's a cold crisp sunny winter day, cool fresh sunny spring day or a lovely warm sunny summer day.... as long as there is sunshine.  I'm living in the wrong place I tell ya! 

To "brighten" the grey rainy day blahs I'm going to a music recital this morning with my friend SooZeeQue and then we're having lunch.  Afterwards I have an appointment at the Dr. to get the scoop/status of my arm.  This evening I'm having dinner with Penny, it's been ages since she and I got caught up!

A nice day with friends will brighten things up.

1 comment:

Jo said...

it's a good thing you are getting out of the house ... friends always cheer us up!