Friday, January 24, 2014

MMP Dance Studio

I worked at MartaMarta Productions Dance Studio on Thursday, such a cool place and a nice change of pace for me :)

My friend Martha called me last week seeking some help, she's the owner of MMP and a great dance choreographer! 

2014 is her sabatical year, but that doesn't mean she stops working! Oh no! that woman is worse than me! all go and no stop!

For 2014, MMP will be working towards a residency on Saltspring Island with both SPEAKING in LIGETI and a new work SONATA, both featuring the music of Gyorgy Ligeti performed live onstage by the acclaimed Microcosmos Quartet. MMP is building a cross-Canada tour for this powerful music and dance.

So yesterday was a busy day .... but we had an extremely productive and fun day!


Jo said...

always busy Izzy!

ScrappeeDiane said...

You two will move mountains together. Glad you had fun. I just got caught up on your blog. Love your WOTY. You go girl!!!