Monday, March 10, 2014

The "Keeners"

After two years my little group of "Deutsch Lernin" friends and I have graduated!

Danielle, Ruth, Iris and I are the "Keeners" of the group - we have been going to our teachers' home on Sundays for extra classes and conversation practice for the past year.

The group started out with 8 and dwindled down to the four of us.  The "Keeners" have stuck together and I've really enjoyed the small class size, we've been able to do more and have fun - we've played games, sung songs, read/heard all kinds of books, gone to the film festival, the Xmas market and just plain ol' had fun learning!

Yesterday, we officially "graduated" (we even had champagne!) and are moving on to the "uber" advanced group on Thursday.  With one sad note...... our amazing teacher Karin is moving back to Germany, so we will have a new teacher this week.

Karin has been absolutely amazing, we have learned so much from her and will miss her terribly! There is one last chance to see her at a going away dinner in May before she leaves Vancouver, then we'll be staying in touch via email. I will certainly be making every effort to see her when I go to Germany. 

Left to right - Danielle; Me; Karin    
 (our teacher is holding Ruth's certificate, poor Ruth missed the last class due to Vertigo)
Left to Right -  Iris; me; Karin
... onto the next session of German this Thursday.


Jo said...

ongrats Izzy!

Kathy said...

Congratulations again Izzy! You ROCK girlfriend!