Thursday, June 05, 2014

Pack me up.....

I'm officially on countdown! The first half of this year has been very busy, I'm ready for my vacation.  My "mini vacations" have been  fabulous breaks, but alas, way too short.  I need to recharge and refill my cup.... the cup is beginning to get empty.  Time for a top up... and what better way to recharge than to pack up and head out on vacation :)

I'm officially on vacation starting Friday June 27th - "Part 1" - we're headed to Valdes for an extended Canada Day long weekend with our friends, Ann and Rob.  This is an annual trip for us and we always have great fun, good laughs, yummy food and some sort of "Adventure".  We have always come away from Valdes with some story of hilarious adventure!  I think I'll take my journal notes from past adventures and write a "Valdes Tale" it will be a comedy!!  We'll be home on July 1st - just in time for me to do laundry and pack for "Part 2"!

“A” for Adventure – "Part 2" - I’ll be on my way to Germany for my annual visit to the family in Großenaspe, on July 2nd.  

Once again I’ll be taking the overnight flight from Vancouver to London Heathrow on British Airways and then connecting at Heathrow for Hamburg Germany.  I’ve come to enjoy this particular flight, mainly because I can actually get some sleep on the plane after I’ve eaten a meal and had a nightcap. I'm traveling in the ‘new’ World Traveler Plus, this is the former Business Class section of the plane, the planes have all had major revamping and I have to say being in World Traveler Plus is really worth it! Good food & drink service, loads of room and the cabin is much more private and very comfortable for the long flights.  I also like the fact that I have a bit of time to stretch my legs and have a snack before getting on another plane.  Flying to Frankfurt is okay but the connection is way too tight and I feel like I've run a marathon by the time I get to Hamburg.

This is the first time in a couple of years that I’m going in the middle of summer, usually I travel in late August until late September. I’m hoping for some warmer weather and a chance to have a few days away on a beach at the Baltic Sea Coast. 

Katharina already plans to take me to the new Michael Kors Lifestyle store in Hamburg :) I’ll enjoy that! and as an employee at the Michael Kors Outlet store in Neumunster she get 50% off at all the stores.  Can you see my big grin!? :)

Ingrid and I are hoping to take a few days to head up to Denmark & possibly Sweden.  She has a friend in Sweden that we can visit and stay with.  If this plan doesn't work out this year, then maybe next year! but I'm sure that Ingrid and I will get up to our usual tricks and have an adventure or two.

At the same time, I'm sure that I'll be glued to some sort of big screen TV with Lars, watching the World Cup Soccer, because you all know.... I'm a fußball fan! Lars and I usually end up shouting like fanatics at the TV..... it isn't like the players can really hear us tell them how to play the game! but we do it just the same.

Andrea and I are planning a few "outings" - maybe a trip to Städe - for a lovely stroll and lunch along the river.  I really like Städe, it has that "old world" feeling about it, and the town is so easy to walk around. I haven't been to Städe in 10 years.  10 years! that's a time trigger!! I just realized.... I've been visiting the family in Germany for 13 years now. 

It will be nice to get back to Großenaspe, with its 'village' charm and slow pace.  It's no wonder the ladies at the bakery and the market recognize me and say 'hello'.... I've been there enough times!  I just slide into the usual routine of life in the 'village' - roll up my sleeves, do the work, help around the house, in the garden and generally, just carry on like I've never left the place!   I'm really looking forward to 'practicing' my German speaking - full time - no better way to practice than to throw myself back into it!  

I'm using my blog as a journal (of sorts) since I still love my paper journals and the good ol' pen, I will have a "paper edition" but recently I've been reading a few interesting books and articles about travel journaling and one thing that struck me as really cool was the idea of "Pre-Journaling". 

Pre-journaling is writing about your trip before you go. Journeys don't begin when we step off the airplane. They begin the moment we start dreaming and planning our journeys.  I've always written a journal while I'm on my adventures, but other than the planning 'file folder' full of plans, reservations, information, maps etc. I've never really thought about writing about my adventures before going on them.  So this is new for me.... 

Stay tuned, I will be posting bits and pieces of my travel journal during the trip, but also I will be Post-journaling - writing about my trip after I get back.  Be sure to stop by around the 25th of July, I'll have photos and post-journaling for you to enjoy!

Stepping out of the norm and stepping up my travel journaling skills - here I go!!!

1 comment:

Jo said...

i love the idea of pre-journalling .... and i completely enjoyed this post .... how exciting for you to begin this adventure and to reflect on the past at the same time!