Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bongo Boy

I had two options in mind for DH's birthday gift this year and I was having some serious doubts about which one to choose. So while we were enjoying our time together last Thursday evening (we went to dinner and a movie) I asked him point blank which he'd prefer. The "techie option" or the "funkie option".

The "techie option" was to replace his dead Playstation with something new, but not being a gamer myself I wasn't sure what he'd prefer... Wii, XBox, Playstation3 etc. what was a girl to do? I had to ask & he'd prefer to select his own gaming machine, so I moved on to the next option.

The "funkie option" focused on music & rhythm. DH seems to think he's rhythmically challenged and has often expressed an interest in learning more about music & rhythm. How does one solve this? Well to get a good sense of rhythm I believe one needs to "feel it" and percussion instruments are a good launching point.

DH expressed he'd like the "funkie option" after some research and a chat with a very helpful guy at Long & McQuade I went and got him Bongo Drums & Lessons! I gave him his gift last night, since I picked them up after work and didn't want them sitting in the trunk of the car for another three days. He was so excited and was "playing" the bongos (with a DVD I also got to get him going) until 11:00pm last night! LOL Can you tell by the photo he's happy with his new found love!?


Wendy said...

Very Cool!

If you had gotten a Wii he could have learned lots on instruments! LOL

He looks pretty happy with your choice!!

Sue said...

Cool pressie...and I am sure the newighbours look forward to his lessons starting too LOL!

ScrappeeDiane said...

Awesome present, what fun! Send Happy Birthday wishes to Norbert from me :o)

Jo said...

hmmmm .... wondering how happy the neighbours are ...lolz! What a brilliant prezzie Izzy!!!

laterg8r said...

great gift idea izzy!

Sue C said...

OMG, what a great gift idea!!!

Jan said...

That's a great present!!!! I hope he had a great birthday!!

How are you doing these days? I've missed catching up with you. How's the foot? I need to skim down the rest of your blog to find out what's been going on.

Miss ya!