Monday, July 20, 2009

In our thoughts....

...are family & friends in Kelowna who are dealing with another terrible forest fire. The air quality up there is terrible, no rain is in the forecast, temps of 32 - 35 celcius for the next three days and the wind is helping to spread the fire quickly. It has already destroyed homes and the fire is now 4 square kilometres in size. 11,000 people already evacuated and another 6,000 are on alert to leave their homes. Kudos to those brave people who are out there fighting these forest fires too!


Kathy said...

My heart goes out to these families as well Izzy. Hopefully the wind will die down and the rain will be here soon to help out those brave souls fighting the fires. So sad how many people have lost their homes!

Wendy said...

That's terrible, fire is a scary scary thing. Thoughts and Prayers