Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"In Control".... I think ;)

I had a little giggle this morning. Go see the header on my friend Rach's blog. I just love it!! The ladies "featured" are friends who live in the USA. I'm waiting for more details about our reunion, it's going to be a blast!! I miss this crazy, fun bunch of ladies :)

I've caught up on pretty much everything that's happened while I was away. DH and I enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving long weekend. I hope everyone had a great "Canadian" Thanksgiving. Now it feels like it's time to get serious about Christmas preparations.

To be honest, I'm feeling pretty "in control", I know it's only October, but when you've got a busy calendar like mine, it's best to be "overly organized".

I've got my Christmas cards planned out, I made 12 on the weekend and was pretty happy with the way they've turned out. I have decided this year, instead of creating various cards, I'm going to turn myself into a production machine and make 75 of the same card with a few matching gift card holders and gift tags. Guess what I'll be working on at the Crop for Kids next weekend!

I did some holiday shopping while in Germany, **snicker snicker** so there are only a few items left to pick up for the children. And.... I have the holiday items for the family in Germany under control too. That parcel will need to be shipped by the 28th of October :0

hey Shell.... I started to use the holiday planner you made me. It's great!

The calendar is already filling up with holiday parties and events and you know me, December is always action packed with outings and festive fun!

How are you doing with your holiday preparations?


Jo said...

good gawd you are so organized ... i havent thought past october yet ...

ScrappeeDiane said...

What a beautiful photo, I love it. Funny you ask about holiday prep, I just dug out my Christmas Journal this morning so that I can start getting organized and recording the presents I have bought already.

Wendy said...

So glad you are home safely. You are so organized. I started on my cards, but onlu finished a few.

Glad to have you back, you always get me in the mood for christmas prep!

laterg8r said...

i love xmas, cards are ready to go, thinking about making a pp wreath but trying to hold out until AFTER halloween LOL :D