Saturday, February 22, 2014

7 days til March!

What!? I cannot believe we are in the last week of February and that one week from today will be the 1st of March!  Oh well, it's been a very busy and hectic month and the faster it goes by, the sooner I'll be in San Jose! Did I mention I'm excited about going to see Shell! LOL

I've been catching some of the Olympics this week, WOW! the Canadians are doing great! we're at 25 medals!  Yahoo!!

Busy with work and somehow managing to fit two new clients into the mix.  Nose to the grind stone :)

Enjoyed the ballet last night - went to see Ballet BC perform Grace Symmetry in collaboration with the Turning Point Ensemble.  Here's the review

So far it has been "Fabulous February", stay tuned for how I'm going to view March :)

DH and I are in a bit of a "cheering dilema" We have tickets for the Canada vs. Germany Women's soccer in June..... who do we cheer for? I think we'll have to make up t-shirt that have both countries represented! LOL

1 comment:

shell said...

not long now!! it will fly by!