Thursday, May 01, 2014

Magnificent May

I know I say this ALL the time.... but, seriously!? where the heck does the time go.

It's May for goodness sakes!  I feel like it was just Joyful January and here I am already full swing into Spring (BTW - the weather is lovely!)

April was Amazing - lots of activities on top of the usual routines of daily life.  Soccer games, 'play days' with friends, Easter, and a scrapbooking retreat weekend.  So I'm continuing the trend and moving on into May full steam ahead!

adjective: magnificent

impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking.


What does Magnificent May hold in store for me?

  • Birthday celebrations (hee hee.... someone turned 50!)
  • Soccer (Go WhiteCaps Go!) 3 home games this month :)
  • Mother's Day Celebration - 4 day trip to Portland Oregon with mum
  • Trip to Valdes with the Mennies for the Victoria Day long weekend
  • Cirque Du Soleil with Jo
  • Scrappin' Weekend with Da' Bitches
and so on and so get the idea.... it's going to be Magnificent!


Jo said...

sounds like a fun and full month! i look forward to cirque!

Shell said...

crap - reading this - please tell me it has not been a month since you were here????!!!!

Kathy said...

Lookin' forward to scrappin' with you this month honey :)