Friday, August 14, 2009

15 Random Things

I've been tagged by Carrie. One of my Scrapaholic buddies who has some amazing page layouts!
The tag's very casual! Just basically to write 15 (or however many you want!) things about yourself! So here goes:

1. I love to host dinner parties!

2. I hate to lay around in bed, when I'm awake... that's it... get up out of bed and start the day!

3. I fall asleep in the bathtub, I can't have a bath at home alone anymore...DH is afraid I'll drown! he even checks on me every few minutes when I'm soaking in a bubble bath.

4. I love classical music, I find it very inspiring.

5. I'm addicted to really really good red wine.

6. The "coolest" job I ever had, I worked at WhiteWater Ski Hill, who wouldn't love a winter job where you get to ski for free!

7. I believe in angels.

8. I've got two long scars... one on my leg the other on my tummy.

9. I've moved homes alot.... I don't have enough fingers and toes to count them all!

10. I love to be pampered and go to the spa with my friends on a regular basis.

11. If I won a huge lottery jackpot, I'd grab my passport & purse, head to the airport, look at the departures board and decide on the spot where I'd go. I'll buy what I need when I reach my destination.

12. I'm a Mrs. Vicki's Salt n' Vinegar potato chip junkie. Stay away the from's all mine!

13. I've been on TV twice.

14. My very first car was a VW Beetle, it was cherry red!

15. When I'm in Germany, I love to drive on the AutoBahn.

I am going to pass this on to:



laterg8r said...

omg - i would LOVE to drive on the autobahn - i love going FAST! thanks for playing along it is cool to get to know you better :)

Jo said...

tv twice eh??? I will have to squeeze these stories out of you soon!